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Uno de los objetivos del proyecto es favorecer el intercambio de información y conocimientos sobre Cooperación Triangular. En este apartado compartimos documentos de diversa naturaleza que pueden contribuir a ello. Ocupan un lugar destacado los estudios realizados en el marco de la acción.

La selección de textos se ha realizado buscando los de más reciente publicación, marcando como año de inicio el 2015. En cuanto a temática se ha optado por documentos que tratan cuestiones de carácter general relacionadas con la CSS y Triangular, fundamentalmente en los ámbitos iberoamericano y europeo, evitando aquellos dedicados al análisis de sectores o países concretos. Las tesis y opiniones expresadas en los distintos documentos son responsabilidad exclusiva de sus autores o autores. Ni la SEGIB ni sus países miembro comparten necesariamente las posturas expresadas en los textos seleccionados.

Own publications
An Innovative Triangular Cooperation for a New Development Agenda - FINAL PUBLICATION
Final Publication >
An Innovative Triangular Cooperation for a New Development Agenda
Date of publication: 2023
Authors: Isabel Cartón
Publishing entity: Secretaria General Iberoamericana (SEGIB)
This document contains the final summary of the project in which important issues for the strengthening of TC between LAC and the European Union were addressed. The document addresses the main findings of five specific studies and several instances of exchange that allow us to conclude that TC must strengthen its transformative capacity in the […]Read more
Executive summary >
South-South and Triangular Cooperation and The Sustainable Development Agenda in Ibero-America: Critical junctions and horizons in the response to Covid-19
Date of publication: 2022
Authors: Bernabé Malacalza
Publishing entity: Ibero-American General Secretariat Headquarters
This report is dedicated to analyzing how South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SCSyT) has been adapting to the changes caused by the transition between development agendas.Throughout the document, four thematic dimensions are analyzed. The first covers the state of the global and regional situation of compliance with the SDGs and recommends the articulation of combined interventions […]Read more
Executive summary >
Towards an Ibero-American Ecosystem of Decentralized South-South and Triangular Cooperation
Date of publication: 2022
Authors: Pablo José Martínez Osés
Publishing entity: Ibero-American General Secretariat Headquarters
The International Cooperation System faces the important challenge to contribute to an effective response to the socio-economic crisis generated by COVID-19, providing elements to the recovery of the advances in development that had been achieved in recent decades and to the deepening of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals. Within […]Read more
Executive summary >
South-South and Triangular Cooperation and Indigenous Populations
Date of publication: 2022
Authors: Gerardo Zúñiga Navarro; Valentina Raurich
Publishing entity: Ibero-American General Secretariat Headquarters
This document presents a summary of the main results of the Study on South-South and Triangular Cooperation and Indigenous Populations, whose objectives included building the foundations of a strategy that would include a definition of basic instruments for working in Triangular Cooperation with indigenous peoples and communities. The study is structured in three parts. The first sets out and examines ...Read more
infographic >
Study on the strategic value of Triangular Cooperation with Latin America and the Caribbean for the countries of the European Union
Date of publication: 2023
Authors: Iliane Olivié; María Santillán
Publishing entity: Ibero-American General Secretariat Headquarters
In recent years, Triangular Cooperation (TC) has received increasing attention as the number of donors has multiplied and the need for partnerships and joint work to respond to the threats facing global public goods has become evident. In Latin America and the Caribbean there has been a significant growth in the relevance of this modality […]Read more
Bases de datos y calidad de la información de la Cooperación Sur-Sur y Triangular
infographic >
Databases and quality of information on South-South and Triangular Cooperation
Date of publication: 2023
Authors: Bernadette Vega
Publishing entity: Ibero-American General Secretariat Headquarters
In order to define the magnitude, scope and effect of Triangular Cooperation, it is necessary to have rigorous evidence and information on these initiatives. Knowing the current information systems on TC, as well as identifying key elements that could contribute to the establishment of a shared metric is the objective of this study. (PDF in […]Read more

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