Home > Publicaciones externas y propias > Towards an Ibero-American Ecosystem of Decentralized South-South and Triangular Cooperation

Executive summary >
Towards an Ibero-American Ecosystem of Decentralized South-South and Triangular Cooperation
Date of publication:
Publishing entity:
Ibero-American General Secretariat Headquarters
The International Cooperation System faces the important challenge to contribute to an effective response to the socio-economic crisis generated by COVID-19, providing elements to the recovery of the advances in development that had been achieved in recent decades and to the deepening of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals. Within this framework, the strengthening of multilateralism and cooperation are key.

In this document you will find a summary of the objectives, findings and main conclusions of the publication “Towards an Ibero-American Ecosystem of Decentralized South-South and Triangular Cooperation”.
(Spanish version)

Publication: “Towards an Ibero-American Ecosystem of Decentralized South-South and Triangular Cooperation” by Pablo Martínez Osés.
(Spahish version)